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Selection & Hiring Guideline for New Employers

Selection & Hiring Guideline for New Employers

Sale Price:$9.95 Original Price:$15.95

Hiring an employee can be a very daunting task, especially when you are not familiar with regulations and employer requirements, and you are not sure what you really need when it comes to an employee. Is this new position seasonal, temporary, or permanent, part-time or full-time? With this easy read guideline, you will learn how to analyze your business needs in order to design a job description with tasks and appropriate pay, along with other important steps you need to take before your hire.

I’ve included some examples of employee documents needed when you become an employer. This guidebook is intended to give you a synopsis of the steps and information that you should take into consideration when you are looking to hire your first employee, you should always check with your state specific requirements, before you hire.

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Introduction: this guideline is intended to be used for informational purposes and to assist entrepreneurs and small businesses owners that are looking to hire their first employee and are needing to implement a structured and efficient practice in the areas of selection and hiring employees. The guidance within this handbook will assist in understanding the importance of analyzing your business needs, implementing process and procedures for your company, along with providing guidance on designing job descriptions, job procedures and job training.  

It is important once you have reviewed the information within this handbook that you research methods that best suit your business needs, and to ensure that you are adhering to the employer requirements and regulations within your industry and state.

Editable Employee Handbook- California Confined_Spaces_in_Construction_Air_Monitoring_HANDOUT.docx - Google Docs and 4 more pages - Personal - Microsoft​ Edge 11_2_2024 4_01_28 PM.png

Editable Employee Handbook- California

Sale Price:$275.00 Original Price:$325.00